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Spare parts for sale

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Used Spare Parts For Sale

A spare part, spare, service part, repair part, or replacement part, is an interchangeable part that's kept in a listing and used for the repair or replacement of failed units. Spare parts are a crucial feature of logistics engineering and provide chain management, often comprising dedicated spare parts management systems.

Capital spares are spare parts which, although acknowledged to possess an extended life or a little chance of failure, would cause an extended shutdown of kit because it might take a long time to urge a replacement for them.

Spare parts are an outgrowth of the economic development of interchangeable parts and production.


In logistics, spare parts are often broadly classified into two groups, repairable and consumables.

Economically, there's a tradeoff between the value of ordering a replacement part and therefore the cost of repairing a failed part. When the value of repair becomes a big percentage of the value of replacement, it becomes economically favorable to easily order a replacement part. In such cases, the part is claimed to be "beyond economic repair" (BER), and therefore the percentage related to this threshold is understood because the BER rate. Analysis of economic tradeoffs is formally evaluated using Level of Repair Analysis (LORA).


Repairable parts are parts that are deemed deserve repair, usually by virtue of economic consideration of their repair cost. Rather than bear the worth of completely replacing a finished product, repairable typically are designed to enable cheaper maintenance by being more modular. That allows components to be more easily removed, repaired, and replaced, enabling cheaper replacement. Spare parts that are needed to support condemnation of repairable parts are referred to as replenishment spares.

A rotable pool may be a pool of repairable spare inventory put aside to permit for multiple repairs to be accomplished simultaneously, which may be wont to minimize stock out conditions for repairable items.


Parts that aren't repairable are considered consumable parts. Consumable parts are usually scrapped, or "condemned", once they are found to possess failed. Since no attempt at repair is formed, for a hard and fast mean solar time between failures (MTBF), replacement rates for consumption of consumables are above the same item treated as a repairable part. Therefore, consumables tend to be lower-cost items.

Because consumables are lower cost and better volume, economies of scale are often found by ordering in large lot sizes, a so-called economic order quantity.

Repair cycle

From the attitude of logistics, a model of the life cycle of parts during a supply chain are often developed. This model, called the repair cycle, consists of functioning parts in use by equipment operators, and therefore the entire sequence of suppliers or repair providers that replenish functional part inventories, either by production or repair, once they have failed. Ultimately, this sequence ends with the manufacturer. This type of model allows demands on a supply system to ultimately be traced to their operational reliability, allowing analysis of the dynamics of the availability system, in particular, spare parts.

Inventory management


When stock out conditions occur, cannibalization can result. This is the practice of removing parts or subsystems necessary for repair from another similar device, instead of from inventory. The source system is typically crippled as a result, if only temporarily, so as to permit the recipient device to function properly again. As a result, operational availability is impaired.


Industrialization has seen the widespread growth of economic manufacturing enterprises, like the automotive industry, and later, the pc industry. The resulting complex systems have evolved modular support infrastructures, with the reliance on auto parts within the automotive industry, and replaceable computer modules referred to as field-replaceable units (FRUs).

At Machinery Planet, we have both new and used spare parts listed on our website for sale and for auction depending on what you want; we are the number one platform for sourcing for spare parts. You can always count on us to link you up with dealers that sell quality and affordable spare parts that promises good value for your money. We have all kinds of spare parts among others listed on our platform. So whatever type of spare parts you are looking for, we have got you covered at Machinery Planet.

Machinery Planet is your home of a variety of spare parts that will suit your needs, you cannot go wrong with the broad options listed on Machinery Planet. We will help you to easily source for the right spare parts that best suits your specification and requirements as we understand the fact that delivering quality to our customers is the only way we can earn their trust. When we earn the trust of our customer, they can always refer other potential customers to us and it is based on this knowledge we operate at Machinery Planet.

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